Why we should work together:

The stakes are high! The expansion of activities sought by the track would cause serious damage to our area in many ways.


Currently there is about a 30% loss in value to the hundreds of homes in the 2 mile vicinity of the Track, as a result of the Extreme Noise Range of the Track. Sunday racing and the expansion of unmuffled activities would cause further deterioration of value, possibly another 20%. The lower values for the residences, would thusly increase the taxes on other properties outside the 2 mile Extreme Noise Range.


The Northwest Corner is second home country. Since the 1900’s many second home owners have flocked to the Northwest Corner on the weekends for quiet beauty and lush greenery. These second home owners have invested quite a bit of cash in the building up and restoration of the upper end homes. (Which keep many local service businesses busy.) Few, if any, came here to attend car racing events. If the Track gets what it seeks, Sunday racing noise and the expansion of the other 6 days would inevitably result in second homeowners packing up, leaving and not returning. As more than 40% of the homes are owned by the second homeowners, ALL properties value could drop significantly should a glut of homes hit the market.

Why you should support our cause and join our efforts.

If the Track’s plans are successful, the roll-back of restrictions will result in the exponential expansion of traffic, crowds, noise, emissions and consumption of natural resources to the detriment of the surrounding communities in the Northwest Corner.

For Example:

  • Trinity Church’s Sunday services will be drowned out by the noise of racing cars and screeching tires.

  • Music Mountain, an institution that has graced the Litchfield Hills with chamber music since 1930 will no longer be able to hold its Sunday concerts which are recorded and broadcast to millions of listeners around the world.

  • Residents and neighbors will no longer have a single day of peace during the Track’s high season (April – October), to hold weddings, funerals, community events, or just enjoy a quiet afternoon on their front porch.

  • Residents and neighbors will be forced to endure 3-4 consecutive days of unmufflered races.

  • More crowds coming to attend longer race weekends at a “Park” with increased camping facilities will have a significant environmental impact.